Registration and Fees
TMSA does not collect fees as a club for the purposes of Registration for players required by Squash Tasmania (through revSport). That is organised through the separate clubs that operate throughout Tasmania. Membership of the TMSA attracts a current yearly fee of $25 to assist promote the interests of Masters players, pay a capitation fee to the Australian Masters Squash Association (AMSA) and pays the Team entry fees at the AMSA Championships.
Masters Pennant
The only organised regular Masters Pennant in Tasmania takes place every Monday evening at the Eastside Squash Centre in Bellerive, Hobart. We are always grateful to have people to play and fill-in as well as accommodate those who may wish to have a game with other Masters when visiting Hobart from other parts of the State, Australia and overseas. Please contact the President for further details.
Masters Competitions in 2025
The current 2025 calendar is available to download on this page, it contains both Tasmanian based events, and notable interstate/national events.
Tasmanian events can also be found via this link. (Click on either Past or Current on top right of Events page)